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Before anything, you'll need to be registered in and already have a project created.

Setting up project

  1. Installing packages

    bash npm install @socketless/react

  2. Setting environment variables

    Create a .env file in the root of your project and add the following variables:

    # ...your existing variables

    # This one is optional. If you deploy to Vercel, you won't need it.

    You can get the SOCKETLESS_CLIENT_ID and SOCKETLESS_TOKEN from the dashboard.

Setting up Socketless on Next.js

  1. Create the server

    Create a new file somewhere safe, like server/socketless.ts. This file will only be used in the server-side.

    import { createSocketless } from "";

    export const socketless = createSocketless({
    clientId: process.env.SOCKETLESS_CLIENT_ID!,
    token: process.env.SOCKETLESS_TOKEN!,

    url: process.env.SOCKETLESS_URL!,

    // Here go your functions
    onConnect(context, identifier) {
    console.log("User connected", identifier);
    context.toFeed("demo").send(`${identifier} connected`);
    onDisconnect(context, identifier) {
    console.log("User disconnected", identifier);
    context.toFeed("demo").send(`${identifier} disconnected`);
    onMessage(context, identifier, message) {
    console.log("Message received", message);
    context.toFeed("demo").send(`${identifier}: "${message}"`);

    Here we've create a Socketless server with our environment variables. Here you also add the functionality of your "server". We're sending a message to a feed called demo when a user connects, disconnects or sends a message.

  2. Creating the API route

    Now you need to create the route where socketless will connect to your website. We recommend it to be under /api/socketless.

    import { socketless } from "@/server/socketless";

    export const { POST } = socketless.generateRoutes();

Nice! You're now ready to use Socketless on your Next.js project.

Using Socketless on Next.js

Now that you have your server and route set up, you can start using Socketless on your pages. Here's an example on how to use it:

import { socketless } from "@/server/socketless";

export default async function Page() {
// Obtain a way to identify the user. If anonymous, you can use a random string (and maybe store to cookies).
const { userId } = await authenticate();

const { url } = await socketless.getConnection(userId);

return <LiveDashboard websocketUrl={url} />;
import { useSocketlessWebsocket } from "@socketless/react";

export default function LiveDashboard({
}: {
websocketUrl: string;
}) {
const { client, lastMessage } = useSocketlessWebsocket(websocketUrl);

useEffect(() => {
console.log("New Message", lastMessage);
}, [lastMessage]);

return (
<button onclick={() => client.send("Message sent from NextJS")}>
Send Message

Next steps

Check out the following recommended guides: