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Message Validation with Zod

You can validate messages sent by clients with Zod schemas by just passing a schema when creating the Socketless server.

Creating schema

Grabbing the example from the Type Safety guide, let's create a schema for the SocketlessMessage type:

import { z } from "zod";

const SocketlessMessageSchema = z.object({
message: z.string().min(1).max(500),

type SocketlessMessage = z.infer<typeof SocketlessMessageSchema>;

Using the schema

Now you can pass the schema to the createSocketless function:

import { createSocketless } from "";

const socketless = createSocketless<SocketlessMessage, SocketlessResponse>({
// Your configuration here
messageValidator: SocketlessMessageSchema,

Now when a message is received, it will be validated against the schema. If the message doesn't match the schema, the message will be discarted.

Socketless-Side Validation

We hope in a future to validate messages on our own servers before reaching yours. This will help you to avoid unnecessary requests on your server.