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Self Hosting


You will have to maintain the infrastructure, scaling, and latency if you self-host Socketless. If you want a hassle-free experience, you can use our cloud at

We base self-hosting on Docker and Docker Compose. We hope to provide easier options in the future, but for now you will need to build the Docker images yourself.


  • Docker Engine 1.23+

  • Docker Compose

  • Cloning the repository

    git clone

Building images

To build the Docker images we use Docker compose:

docker compose build

You will get the following images:

  • socketless/nextjs: The dashboard (includes api routes) for Socketless. This is your main service to configure and manage Socketless.

  • socketless/connect: The connection service for Socketless. This is the service that handles the connections.

  • socketless/master: The master service for Socketless. This is the service that manages the connections socketless/connect containers.

  • socketless/landing: The landing page for Socketless. Not needed for Self-Hosting.

  • socketless/docs: This documentation. Not needed for Self-Hosting.


You will need to configure the .env file. You can use the .env.example file as a reference.

You will also need a PostgreSQL Database and a Dragonfly (or any redis-like database) instance. You can deploy them using the docker-compose.db.yml file.

docker compose -f docker-compose.db.yml up -d